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    Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM

Land & Resources

On-Reserve Land Code Information Presentation

todayJuly 7, 2018 29

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On-Reserve Land Code Information Presentation
Thursday July 12, 2018
Fisher River Community Centre
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Notice to On-Reserve Members,
There will be a Information Presentation on the Land Code & Individual Agreement.
In addition to the information, we have confirmed guest speaker, Chief Austin Bear of Muskoday First Nation.
About Chief Austin Bear:
Carl Austin Bear is serving his 12th term as the Chief of the Muskoday First Nation. He also chairs the First Nation Lands Advisory Board Resource Centre and is President of the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation. His vision of balance in all areas of personal and community life has inspired his commitment to develop a healthy and safe community which continues to undergo positive economic growth.

Muskoday First Nation was one of fourteen First Nations to originally sign the The Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management; enabling First Nations in Canada to enact they’re own Land Codes.
Members are encouraged to come out to learn more and ask questions about the Land Code.

Written by: fisherriver

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Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

