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    Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM

Community News

Amended Security Measures Effective 6:00am February 6 – February 27

todayFebruary 5, 2021 1100

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Effective 6:00am February 6, 2021; the Chief & Council have amended the community’s COVID-19 Security Measures until 11:59pm February 27, 2021.

**Subject to Change if the current Community situation changes, for example: Rise in cases.


» Curfew is 9:00pm – 6:00am, which means all the Checkpoints will be Closed for anyone coming in and going out (exception is made for emergency purposes).

» The Stay-at-Home Order will remain in place from 10:00pm – 6:00am, which means all residents should be in their homes and are to stay home during these hours. The additional hour is to give employees and customers from local stores time to head home. Anyone caught breaking the Stay-at-Home Order will be subject to fines. Fines begin at $1,296.00. (exception is made for emergency purposes).

» Travel is now open to the City of Winnipeg for essential purposes ONLY (Shopping for Food/Clothing, Medical Appointments & Emergencies).
– We recommend to not travel if not needed.
– We recommend 1 Designated Shopper.
– We strongly encourage that you avoid shopping at the Shopping Malls.
– Travel within your own vehicle and in your own family bubble, if possible.
– Day Trip Only.
– Must return by the 9:00pm Curfew.
– Security will be tracking all those who travel to and from the City of Winnipeg
We strongly recommend that you stay within your own family bubble when going into the restaurants, and we also recommend that you stay away from going into bars.

» Fisher River Cree Nation will be open for essential services ONLY (fuel/groceries/supplies) to our neighbouring communities of Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation, Peguis First Nation, Fisher Bay, Dallas and Red Rose.

» At this time visitation from our neighboring communities will not be allowed, but will be allowed to enter the community for essential purposes only, such as the purchase of Goods & Services.

» Please only travel in and out of these communities for essentials purposes only.

» Household Gathering limits: orders will be expanded to allow increased personal connections to support the well-being of our residents by allowing:
– Two designated people (family or friends) from the Community to visit a household under a new ‘rule of two’;
– We strongly stress that ‘the Two Designated People’ do NOT change; which means the same two individuals are designated for all visits during the Security Measures period.
– Outdoor visits of up to five people only plus members of a household on an outdoor private property.
– Large Household Gatherings & Parties are not permitted.  Anyone caught having a gathering(s) may be subject to fines/penalties issued from the RCMP, fines start from $1,296.00 and up.

» There are no Out of Province or International Travel permitted; if you do, you MUST Self-Isolate for 14 Days.

» Off-Reserve members will NOT be allowed to visit at this time.

» The Arena will remain open to Skating Bookings; bookings will only be your immediate household members only.

» Funerals/Weddings – Funerals to have up to 10 people in addition to the officiant under clear COVID-19 protection protocols.

Please remember to follow the best practices when out & about even when in the community:

  • wearing a face mask in the public,
  • maintain Social distancing,
  • clean commonly touched surfaces,
  • frequently wash hands for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer,
  • avoid contact with sick individuals,
  • stay home if feeling sick, even if mild symptoms; and
  • limiting carpooling or travelling in vehicles other than your immediate household family members. If you must travel with individuals outside your immediate house, please wearing a mask.

If you begin to develop symptoms for more than 24 for hours, even if mild; please contact Fisher River Health Services.
SYMPTOMS – New onset of:

  • Fever > 38°C or subjective fever / chills
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat / hoarse voice
  • Shortness of Breath/Breathing Difficulties
  • Loss of Smell or Taste
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea for more than 24 hours


  • Runny nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
  • Headache
  • Skin rash of unknown cause
  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Poor Feeding (if an Infant)

Please DO NOT travel if you do need to and please STAY HOME if you are feeling unwell. We all must do our part in protecting the community and these measures are to help contain the spread of COVID-19.

Chief David Crate
Councillor Darrell Thaddeus
Councillor Joshua Sinclair
Councillor Carl Cochrane
Councillor Vince Crate

  • Fisher River Health Services oversees Isolation matters for those who are COVID-19 Positives and those named as Close Contacts.
  • Fisher River Cree Nation Security oversees Isolation matters regarding violations of Health & Safety Protocols and Restrictions.

If you develop symptoms or you are not sure if you should be tested, contact Fisher River Health Services COVID-19 Hotline at 431.256.0395 between 8:30am – 11:00pm. For after hours you can contact Percy E. Moore Hospital at 204.372.8444 or Health Links – Info Santé is available for questions or medical concerns at 204-788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888-315-9257. Or if you are needing to speak to someone regarding mental wellness, please contact the Rainbow House Wellness Centre 24 Hour Line a 431.256.0359.

Written by: fisherriver

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Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

