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    Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM


EXTENDED: Call for Housing Authority Members

todayApril 4, 2022 243

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Fisher River Cree Nation members interested in being a part of the Housing Authority are to submit a letter of interest.  F.R.C.N. is seeking four (4) individuals to fill positions beginning April 2022 and ending March 31, 2024.  The terms will be for a two (2) year term.

The Fisher River Cree Nation Housing Authority is a standing Authority of Council on housing. The Housing Authority is responsible for drafting housing policies and programs regarding new construction, maintenance, repairs, rental units, tenant selection and associated infrastructure. It also recommends budgets and changes for the First Nation Housing Policy and Program including a transparent appeal process. It is the regulatory body which ensures the implementation of its policy.

The Housing Authority will assume operational control of the housing programs.

Eligible Applicants must be:

  • a member of the Fisher River Cree Nation;
  • at least 18 years of age;
  • residing on the reserve;
  • be of good character and respected by others in the community;
  • be knowledgeable of the housing situation in the community;
  • not in default/arrears with any Band Entity or Economic Development Loan payments;
  • not a contractor of service and/or goods in the area of housing;
  • adherent to the FRCN Drug By-law 2004-01, Sec. 8.01.

Duties of Committee Members:

  • To attend regular monthly meeting and/or special meetings as needed
  • Act at all times in the best interest of the Fisher River Cree Nation members as a whole and promote the purpose and objectives of the housing program.
  • No members of the Housing Authority shall act as an individual on behalf of the Housing Authority, but will represent the Housing Authority in a positive and respectful manner while in public.
  • Other roles and responsibilities as assigned.

Please submit your letter stating a brief description of your background and interest why you will be the best candidate to:
Fisher River Cree Nation
Attention: Marge Murdock
Re:  Housing Authority Committee Member
P.O. Box 367, Koostatak, Manitoba, R0C 1S0


Written by: fisherriver

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Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

