March 13, 2020
RE: Update on COVID-19 #3
As of today in the MB Health Media Bulletin, three presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 have been identified. Note: Keep in mind that as the weekend moves forward, this information changes regularly.
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, we all have a role to play in slowing its spread and minimizing its impact on our health care system and in our communities.
All non-essential work-related travel is strongly discouraged. Health care providers are asked to give serious consideration to cancelling or postponing all non-essential travel outside Manitoba.
There have been already lots of big events cancelled due to containing the spread.
What can we do:
- Minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two meters/six feet) contact between other individual in public,
- Avoiding greetings that involve touching such as handshakes,
- Disinfecting frequently used surfaces,
- Following public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus, and
- Considering avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk (e.g. Elders and those with underlying medical conditions).
What does self-monitoring mean: Have minimal public contact, checking your temperature twice a day, observe for signs and symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, cough and generally feeling unwell, for 14 days along with family members. If signs and symptoms develop please call the health centre to get further direction, after hours please call either Percy. E. Moore hospital: 1-204-372-8444 and or health links at 1-888-315-9257.
What does self-isolation mean: Is when you have all the signs and symptoms of the flu and you have gone to get tested and awaiting results, you are required to stay at your home until the results are provided.
It is recommended that all people/families have on hand up to 30 days of dry goods and that you have enough of medications during this time frame.
Health Centre protocol to take place come Monday March 16th:
If showing and or not sure of the signs and symptoms that you may be experiences, please call the Fisher River Health Centre
The following questions will be asked:
- Do you have any cold or flu symptoms – Yes/No
(Cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, headache)
- Traveled internationally & or outside MB? – Yes/No
- Been in close contact with an ill person with respiratory symptoms that have traveled? – Yes/No
- Been exposed to laboratory specimens known to contain COVID-19? – Yes/No
- When entering the Health Clinic, you will be asked the above questions and may be asked to put a mask on for the protection of yourself and others.
- Please be advised Fisher River Health Centre does not do any testing for the COVID-19 virus as it is not a testing site.
- Reminder of weekend and after hours, please call PEM if you have any signs and or symptoms, they will provide you with direction
With lots of information becoming available on-line, please keep in mind that some of it may be misleading therefore it is highly recommended you keep informed with the following links that are legit:
[email protected]
Any questions or concerns, please contact Tanya Kirkness, Nurse-in-Charge, at the Fisher River Health Centre at 204-645-2689.
The Fisher River Health Centre will continue providing regular updates regarding the COVID-19, also know as Corona Virus, as the changes and updates are provided from Manitoba Health.
Lynette McDonald
Director of Health
Fisher River Health Centre