Building upon the long-term partnership between University of Winnipeg and Fisher River Cree Nation; Fisher River Health Services and Faculty members and students from Indigenous Studies and University of Winnipeg have been working together on Revitalization of traditional food project since October 2012.
One of the outcomes of the project was a community food security manual ‘The forgotten traditional foods of Fisher River’ which was officially launched in Fisher River in in January 2014.
The second reprinted version of the cookbook which is translated into Cree, was launched at the Fisher River Cree Nations on Nov 15, 2019.
The cookbook contains 69 traditional recipes (in English and Cree) from Fisher River contributed by Fisher River Cree Nation Elders along with stories and quotes underscoring the importance indigenous food as ways of life. All 69 recipes are described (with amount of ingredients used and preparation process) and classified into seven categories including five soups, nine side dishes, 16 large game animals, 5 small game animals, nine game birds, 17 fish and 13 sweets and preservatives.
The reprinted cook book is dedicated to respected elder and Hon. late Ms. Harriet Amos from FRCN in appreciation for her contributions to the cookbook and inspiring passion for revitalization of Indigenous Foods. For further information contact, Carol Cochrane at the FRCN health services at 204.645.2689