WHEREAS: The Chief and Council of the Fisher River Cree Nation (“FRCN”) are the duly elected representatives of the FRCN community and are empowered to make decisions for the benefit of the community and its members, and this Band Council Resolution is made at a duly convened meeting of Chief and Council;
WHEREAS: Fisher River Cree Nation By-Law No. 2004-01 was enacted by Chief and Council on July 20, 2018 to provide for the protection and safety of FRCN, its members and its residents.
WHEREAS: On or about November 20, 2020, Blake Werstiuk, born January 16, 1988, treaty no. 2640393701, who is a member of Fisher River Cree Nation was arrested by RCMP and charged on or about December 3, 2020 with Possession of Cocaine for the purpose of Trafficking under Section 5(2) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, SC 1996 c 19;
WHEREAS: Blake Werstiuk is known to Chief and Council to have a history of conducting illegal activity, including trafficking of illegal drugs within FRCN;
AND WHEREAS: Chief and Council of FRCN believe that Blake Werstiuk poses a risk to the safety and security of FRCN, its members and its residents;
1. THAT Chief and Council on behalf of FRCN hereby banish Blake Werstiuk, born January 16, 1988, treaty no. 2640393701 from FRCN indefinitely pursuant to section 6.02(h) of Fisher River Cree Nation By-Law No. 2004-01.