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    Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM Cree Nation Radio 103.5 FM


616 Results / Page 47 of 69


Community News

Community Holiday Train Parade a Success!

Fisher River Cree Nation, Entities and Organizations come together to put on a parade for the Community. The theme of the parade was favorite holidays throughout the year. On behalf Wellness Centre team we want to say a big thank you to all the Chief and Council and all organizations and their staff for participating in the parade today. It was a success and wonderful to see the smile on […]

todayJune 4, 2020 92

Community News

Fisher River Cree Nation Reopening Phase #1

Fisher River Cree Nation will begin to lift certain COVID-19 State of Emergency restrictions beginning 6:00am Tuesday June 2nd, 2020. This includes (*Subject to Change*): Curfew hours will be 12:00am - 6:00am Day Travel to the City of Winnipeg, City of Selkirk, Fisher Branch, Arborg and Gimli. Travel to Winnipeg and the other listed travel location is for DAY TRAVEL ONLY and must return before the beginning of Curfew. Members […]

todayJune 1, 2020 52


AMC Pandemic Funding – Deadline Extended to Friday June 5, 2020 at midnight

AMC Pandemic Funding - Deadline Extended to Friday June 5, 2020 at midnight Contact Information: EAGLE Urban Transition Centre Phone: 204-954-3050 or toll free 1-866-345-1883. Email: [email protected]. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) has received limited funding to support First Nations citizens from Manitoba that are living in the City of Winnipeg. It is unfortunate that due to the limited amount of funding received by the AMC, first consideration […]

todayMay 30, 2020 145

Community News

Nora Murdock elected to University of Manitoba Board of Governors

MAY 26, 2020 —  UM alumni have chosen Nora Murdock [PhD/16, MEd/05, CertEd/78, BA/78] to bring their voice to the University’s Board of Governors. This year’s election saw seven candidates and 2,500 votes cast to select a representative who will help guide the direction of the University, make a difference in the lives of students and the community, and provide an alumni perspective in UM governance. NORA MURDOCK [PHD/16, MED/05, CERTED/78, […]

todayMay 26, 2020 173


Travel Restrictions for the City of Selkirk Lifted

Please be advised that as of 7:00am May 22, 2020, the Travel Restrictions for the City of Selkirk have been lifted immediately for Community members to travel to for essential purposes. Reminder though the following restrictions remain in place until June 1st, 2020: Continuation of Checkpoints Restrictions & Curfew of 10:00 pm – 6:00 am, No Off-Reserve Visitation as of yet. Prohibited travel to City of Winnipeg, City of Dauphin, […]

todayMay 22, 2020 35

Community News

2020 Treaty Days, Community Celebration & Pow Wow Cancelled

It is with regret that the 2020 Annual Treaty Days, Community Celebration and Ada Wilson “Grey Cloud Woman” Pow Wow has been cancelled. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on gatherings, it is not possible for our annual celebrations to take place safely in July 2020. The Fisher River Sports and Recreation is reviewing potential optional events in a safe and secure manner and will notify community members once […]

todayMay 19, 2020 295

Community News

COVID-19 State of Emergency & Restrictions Extended to June 1st, 2020

The leadership of Fisher River Cree Nation have agreed to maintain all COVID-19 Restrictions until June 1st, 2020. This includes: Continuation of Checkpoints Restrictions & Curfew of 10:00 pm - 6:00 am. Prohibited travel to City of Winnipeg, City of Selkirk, City of Dauphin, City of Brandon and communities/cities along TransCanada Highway #1. 5 Hour Time limit to travel to Fisher Branch, Arborg & Gimli for Essential purposes. Public Gatherings […]

todayMay 19, 2020 34

Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

