The projects are expected to bring an additional $7.5 million into the community through job creation, local trades employment and required services in the surrounding area.Fisher River Cree Nation in Manitoba has announced the construction of major building projects, with ground-breaking ceremonies held today, May 24. With the ground-breaking, the community begins construction on a new $25.5 million school for grades 7-12 school, a $4.3 million community centre and a $3.6 million […]
Fisher River Cree Nation’s fishers sent a blunt message to the provincial Conservatives by “opting in” to a formal contract with the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation.FRCN’s McBeth Fisheries signed the contractApril 21, becoming the first community to definitivelystand with the federally run corporation withwhich the province intends to sever ties.The contract will take effect upon the passing ofBill 23, which will remove Manitoba from the FreshwaterFish Marketing Act.“We’re standing united […]
Adult Education / Mature Student Diploma ProgramFor the 2017/2018 academic yearFisher River Cree Nation members 19 years or older who have been out of school for at least 6 months may apply for this education opportunity.Priority at this time will be given to individuals who have previously obtained credits that are still valid.Applications are available at the Board of Education Office or at the VJK building.Please make note that child […]
Employment Readiness Program 2017The Fisher River Human Resource Program structured a 2week Employment Readiness Program that will benefit 20 individuals to achieve certificates that will support them with future volunteering or employment. The program began on March 20th – April 4th, all training and workshop were held at the Fisher River Human Resource Building.This year participants will learn the fundamentals of;Computer Training / Resume BuildingFood Handlers (To be rescheduled)Mental Health […]