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616 Results / Page 57 of 69


Community News

Brokenhead Chief & Council visit Fisher River

Chief Deborah Smith & Councillors, along with representatives of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation (BON) met with Chief Crate & Council on Wednesday October 9. Our visitors met with the Council to discuss many matters of interests such as the Financial Management Law, First Nations Finance Authority and Financial Management Board to name a few; as well as sharing each others success stories on development and policies. BON is currently coming onto […]

todayOctober 9, 2019 88 1

Community News

Notice of Fiber Optics Installation in the Community

This is to advise that BELLMTS contractors will be in the FRCN community installing Fiber Optic lines. The crew has already commenced work as of October 1st, 2019, and will be in the community until mid November 2019. They will be surveying first and will begin from Dallas Store down to the South Tower. Then after that they will dig up the surveyed areas and install the lines. Please note […]

todayOctober 4, 2019 24

Community News

Voter Information – 2019 Federal Election

Churchill--Keewatinook Aski (Manitoba) General Election (Monday, October 21, 2019) Please note that the close of nominations for candidates is Monday, September 30, 2019. Therefore, the list of confirmed candidates may be incomplete. The complete list of confirmed candidates will be available on Wednesday, October 2, 2019. Candidates in your electoral district Candidate name Status Party name Office phone number Candidate's website * Name of official agent Name of auditor Niki Ashton […]

todaySeptember 30, 2019 42

Community News

Chinese Business Delegates visit Fisher River

On Saturday September 21, 2019; Business Delegates from China visited the Community. Chief David Crate and Lorne Cochrane (Chariman, Fisher River Economic Development Corporation) met with the group; the focus of the visit and the discussion that followed after introductions were mainly focused on potential future business partnerships. After the meeting, the group did a tour of the community and also drove down to the Bay River Developments. Following the […]

todaySeptember 25, 2019 118

Community News

Operator of the Year from Water & Waterwaste Symposium awarded to Fisher River Member

Fisher River member Melissa Herda received the Operator of Year Award at the 14th Annual Water & Waterwaste Symposium held at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg. This award is handed each year from the Manitoba First Nation Water and Wastewater Instruction Program. The award recipient is chosen by all the instructors of this program. Melissa is a level 2 certified operator of both water and wastewater; she is the only […]

todaySeptember 23, 2019 66

Community News

Minor Hockey Pre-Registration & Call Out for Coaches, Safety and Referees

PRE-REGISTRATION September 16, 2019 6:30pm - 8:00pm Fisher River Arena Registration Fee will be $75.00 per child this year. Fee is due September 20, 2019 FISHER RIVER MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION IS ALSO LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOW: Coaches & Safety for all teams Referees for the League games *Coaching staff will be required to have Criminal Record Check, own cost. Also new Coaches and Safety have until December 1, 2019 to […]

todaySeptember 11, 2019 30

Community News

Sixties Scoop Class Action Settlement | August 30, 2019 Deadline

Please be informed that the Sixties Scoop Class Action individual payment application deadline for any of your citizens is August 30, 2019. The Sixties Scoop Class Action involves any First Nation citizen whom, between January 1, 1951 and December 31, 1991, loss their cultural identity because they were adopted or made a permanent ward, and was place in the care of non-First Nation foster or adoptive parents in Canada. Depending […]

todayAugust 28, 2019 81

Community News

David Crate retains position of Chief for 9th Straight Term, Three Incumbents retain position and one newly Elected Councillor.

FISHER RIVER CREE NATION, MB – AUGUST 24, 2019 –  Members of the Fisher River Cree Nation have elected Chief David Crate, with three incumbents; Darrell Thaddeus, Carl Cochrane and Vince Crate remaining along with newly elected Councillor, Josh Sinclair. To the Office of Chief: David Crate – 547 Votes This marks Chief Crates 9th straight term as Chief and 13th total; David also served as Councillor for a total […]

todayAugust 24, 2019 32

Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

